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Moaning and Groaning February 25, 2011

Posted by Dev in Musings.
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Ab has been moaning and groaning quite a bit this week and even whimpering.

I like whimpering.

I think I have mentioned before that Ab is not a very vocal chaste guy. I don’t know if he’s stoic or Zen-like, but he tends not to say much. I read about guys begging and pleading with their wives/KHs to be released but I haven’t gotten that sort of behavior from Ab.

Until this week, that is.

To be clear, he hasn’t been begging and pleading—which I am grateful for because I am not sure how I would react to that. But he has been moaning, especially when I am teasing him, and expressing his frustration. I think he’s really at that place where he wants an orgasm but craves denial. And I am happy to keep denying him!

Early morning sex is wonderful for both of us. I feel happy and sated all day. Ab tells me he’s horny all day. Yes, he’s frustrated but he loves that feeling of being on edge. I can ramp it up at 4:30 am and the feeling just stays with him. By the time I get home, he’s willing to do anything for me. It’s amazing how the feedback cycle works. He can’t wank off in the shower (actually he could but he tells me he doesn’t want to, which is also telling) so he just focuses that sexual energy on me. Me, me, me!

It’s been an interesting week. Usually I work until 9 pm on Monday and Thursday, but Monday was the holiday and clinic got cancelled last night, so I’ve been home at reasonable time every night this week. That means we’ve been going to bed together which in turn, means we wake up and snuggle together. (When I have my late evenings, our sleeping schedules do not sync quite as well.) Maybe that’s why I’ve been hearing more moaning and groaning than usual. Whatver the reason, I have definitely been enjoying it. We’ve had quite a few coins go into the orgasm glass, too!

* * * * *

It’s snowing today. I decided yesterday that I would not drive to the office and instead work from home. I have a long list of things to do. My goal is to be very productive this morning so we can play this afternoon, as Ab told me he’d be home at lunchtime. And what sort of play? Either some spa time (my legs need to be waxed and Ab is learning how to do that) or some spanking fun. Or maybe both.

Ab told me that he thought the problem with the Abuddies last week was that I didn’t set it up enough. He likes it if it is a bit more of a “scene” with more preparation and anticipation. He likes being blindfolded, so he doesn’t know what to expect and also to be restrained. I’m a quick learner so he only needs to tell me once! I also need to do a little poking around the house to see what I can find for spanking in addition to the wooden paddle and Abuddies. Wood is good but as I am learning, it provides a particular sensation and I’d like a bit more variety. Something leather and something with tails would be nice. I’ll have to see what I can find. Eventually, I suspect, I’ll do some shopping but for the moment, I’ll see what “pervertibles” I can find hidden in the closet. 🙂

Quotes from Ab: XVI February 20, 2011

Posted by Dev in Quotes from Ab.
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“I should have never have made those things for you!”

The Abuddies (I have a matched set now) got a nice little workout last night. We had a quiet evening at home with a nice dinner and then doing what we usually do: watching a movie on Netflix, surfing the web. Ab fell asleep in his recliner and I eventually woke him up. “C’mon you,” I said. “Time for a little fun.”

I wanted Ab over my knee and that’s where he started. But the minute his bum got a little pink, he started squirming around, which means I have to keep after him. If he’d just stay put I’d keep swatting his hiney, but with all his wiggling, he got abuddied in other places, like his shoulders and thighs. “Please stop! Please stop!” (Our safeword, darling, if you remember is ‘Abigail,’ not ‘stop.’) He clearly has a very low pain threshold. When I watch videos of guys getting flogged or caned until they bleed, I just shake my head. We barely get to bright pink! LOL.

I might have to get some restraints and something to restrain him to, too. I like the “bow bench” that Ms. Marie had her husband build for her. I put in a work order for something similar to the production office but funny thing, it hasn’t appeared yet. I might have to have a talk with the foreman. 😉

I posted this picture in my tumblr gallery but I thought I’d share here, too. I like the contrasts. The blue pj’s look like they have Oreos floating around on them. I can’t quite tell what’s on the pink ones. Horseshoes? Then my eye drifts down and I see the wrist restraints and shackles on his legs. HAWT!

Introducing the Abuddy February 11, 2011

Posted by Dev in Musings.
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The other day I was browsing the Cane-iac website, pondering buying a cane or flogger, when I came across the “spanking buddy” pictured to the left. That looked like a fun little item to add to the toy chest. But here in the Devoted Lover Research Labs, there is no need to spend money on something made of wood—all I need to do is put in a work order to the production office and a prototype magically appears. Sometimes I am amazed at just how quickly the prototype shows up! Below are two pictures of me modeling the “Abuddy” (get it? LOL). The Abuddy is made of cherry, not maple or oak, and is 10 mm thick. Ten millimeters is about 3/8″ of an inch, so slightly less than the ½” spanking buddy at the Cane-iac site. I wonder if the thickness was selected thinking of my delicate, feminine hand or was somebody worried about his backside and just how much fun I might have with the Abuddy in place? Hmmm…

It has a very nice elastic strap held in place by six brass tacks—three on each side. Elastic is not kept in stock at the shop, thus I was impressed that Ab made a special trip to JoAnn Fabrics—a store he does not usually frequent—to buy some. Is it his enthusiasm for prototype designing or the dream of being spanked that drives him? Probably a little of both.

I noticed that the tacks seem like they could easily be removed and during a vigorous workout of the Abuddy and this could be problematic, so I am going to apply some SuperGlue to hold them in place. We’ll see if that does the trick.

I suggested to Ab that I needed one for my left hand, too, for some dual-handed spanking action. He gave me his usual anxious look but I suspect a sinistra Abuddy will appear, to be a companion to my dextra. Then I’ll have a matched set.

* * * * *

I am still trying to sort out in my mind my growing interest in spanking—and Ab’s growing desire. I really don’t think he’s a “pain slut,” as mikecb would say, and I know I am not a sadist. I am also not viewing it as punishment or domestic discipline or some other method of “retraining” Ab. We seem to be coming at this from a completely different mindset of wants and needs. As I was thinking about this, I read this blog post from servingB which seems to touch on what we are feeling. Thanks, sB, for expressing it so eloquently.

* * * * *

I have a little touch of cystitis, I am sure as a result of all our fun and games on Tuesday. “Honeymoon” cystitis as my mother used to say. This is a problem I’ve had all my life and I’m used to it. I can clear it up naturally by drinking a few gallons of water and cranberry juice. I also just took 180 mg of cranberry in capsule form. While I know I’ll be fine, it does make me a little pussy-shy at the moment (hands off, Ab!) which is even more reason to put some spanking fun on the agenda. Ab, are you ready? 😉

Happy Birthday to Ab! January 17, 2011

Posted by Dev in Musings.
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Thirty cents went into the orgasm glass this morning—a nickel and a quarter. Regular readers might remember that the nickel is a really good orgasm for me and a quarter is an orgasm for Ab. Yes, that’s right. He started his birthday with the Watchful Mistress off and Little Ab rejoicing. He came on my chest and then licked me clean. It was nice to have that sticky semen feel—the smell, too. It’s been awhile.

Ab went off to work without his Watchful Mistress on, but strict instructions for no unauthorized touching or playing with himself. Just because it’s his birthday doesn’t mean all rules are set aside for the day! Besides, I want him to build up some horniness for tonight. Coming on my chest is good, but I think we both are in the mood for a good old fashioned fucking. That’s something to look forward to all day. 🙂

In the presents department, I have been working on being creative this year. First was his eternity collar which I gave him a few days early. He’s been wearing it steadily since he got home from work on Friday. I have to say, when he’s standing nude in front of me, with his collar at his neck and his cock in the Watchful Mistress, it’s very hot. I tell him I like him dressed in metal.

I also got him a Red Stewart “comfy Sport Kilt.” If folks remember, I had been thinking about a Utilikilt. The poll for that was positive with 41% (n = 38/92) saying yes, I should get one. Trouble was, it was a bit pricey ($215) for something that might turn out to be a joke gift. I did search on ebay and found a few previously loved Utilikilts but the bidding on those always ended up way beyond my limit of $100. So, what to do? Then I received a nice email from a reader who suggested I check out Sport Kilts. Thanks for the tip! I decided to start simple with a flannel comfy kilt which is designed to be worn around the house. It looks great on Ab and fits him well. He got a funny little smile. “I’ve never had a skirt before,” he said. “Well now you do,” I replied.

I’ve alluded to this before and mentioned it in the comments—Ab does have a bit of a cross-dressing fetish. The thing is, he’s never really wanted particularly feminine clothing. It’s more the feel of the fabric, such as his silky thongs. Now he’ll get to experience the freedom a kilt offers.  He also likes corsets, which I haven’t mentioned before, but now that I’ve discovered Aarkey likes them as much as us, I guess it’s time to go public. I’ve ordered one for myself, so I can play along, too. Why should he get to have all the fun? For anyone who’d like to read some corset erotica, I can highly recommend Secrets, Skin, and Leather by Sean Michael. Very, very hot. I read it in one fell swoop and couldn’t get it out of my mind for days after reading it the first time—which meant I had to re-read it a few more times. And a few more after that. Yes, it’s a favorite. The link above goes to the print version at Amazon. You can also get it as an ebook in various formats from All Romance. Treat yourself to a little steamy sex on a cold winter day. 😉

Ab also got a pre-birthday spanking using the batten that he made with his very own hands! I hadn’t quite figured out the best way to use it before, but now I have. It’s long so I discovered it’s best if I hold it lengthwise, from above, rather than sideways, which would be the more typical arrangement. So, the batten position has been created (and christened!): I’m on the edge of the bed with Ab kneeling on all fours in front of me. I let him put his nose close to my pussy to really drive him wild. Then I brought the batten down to his bottom. Smack, smack, smack! From that angle, the thing works great and his ass was nice and red—really red—within minutes. He was begging for me to stop but I didn’t think he really wanted that, so I didn’t. I am hoping he is feeling the after effects today. 😉

That’s the start of his birthday. I told him I’d cook dinner but I haven’t decided what to make. Veal with lemon and capers, perhaps, and a nice white wine. And for dessert? Dev’s pussy, of course!

The last part of my present is this blog post and a great big public hug: {{{Happy Birthday to my beloved husband!}}}

Please leave him birthday greetings in the comments. I know he’ll be thrilled.

Naughty or Nice… December 8, 2010

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With my newly discovered enjoyment of spanking, the cover of this book gave me a chuckle. I especially liked the spankee’s smiley face underpants. LOL.

The book includes 31 Christmas and holiday themed stories. I haven’t read any of them (yet) but there are a some familiar (to me) authors among the collection. I’ll probably pick up a few of the individual offerings to read on my Kindle over the next few weeks.

You can learn more about the anthology at the Dreamspinner Press website. Enjoy!

A Spanking Surprise November 21, 2010

Posted by Dev in Musings.
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The other night, Ab and I spent an hour or so surfing various blogs. I have gotten to the point where I have realized that I have absolutely no “bullshit filter” for figuring out which blogs are total fantasy fabrications, which are semi-real, and which are really real. Ab graciously agreed to look at a few with me and give me his opinion on each one.

“Fake, fake, fake,” he said, and then we got to this one: A Spanking Marriage. “This one looks real,” Ab said, and I agreed.

I had found this blog earlier in the day, through a series of links from someone who had been looking at my blog. I had actually found it very interesting because the story the woman told—her journey to discovering spanking with her husband—was very similar to many chastity stories I have read. Substitute “chastity” for “spanking” and they could be interchangeable: middle-aged couple; spark has gone out of their love life; wife discovers that her husband likes to look at porn on the Internet and masturbate in front of his computer; this behavior is having a negative impact on their sex life. His kink is spanking. She’s vanilla but decides that her marriage is important enough to try to accommodate his desires into their sex life. And when she does, she finds that she gets into it and off on it more than she ever expected. Sound familiar?

As Ab read through the entries he gave me a shy look. “You know, this is sort of hot,” he said.

“Spanking?” I replied, slightly incredulous.

“Yeah,” he nodded, looking embarrassed.

This took me back a bit. Ab has never seemed to be into pain. If I tweak his nipples he yelps. The other night I was patting—not even slapping!—his balls and he loudly proclaimed, “Ouch! That hurts! And not in a good way!” But he’d be into being spanked?

Then I thought back to a few months ago—right around the time that I had ordered Ab his new thongs. We were fooling around in the kitchen (yes, always the kitchen, LOL) and I grabbed a spatula out of the utensil drawer. I used it on his bottom and got it to redden up nice and quick and he seemed to enjoy that. Then I remembered a comment I wrote about the Humbler the other day, in response to a question from Atone:

So do you have plans on what you are going to do once you get Ab locked in the humbler?

And I replied:

Once the humbler is on, I think I’d like to make his butt glow red. Likes2blocked tells me I should invest in a jumping bat. That’s an intriguing idea, don’t you think?

I also recalled that likes2blocked told me he is getting paddled on a regular basis by his wife.

I suddenly realized I was at one of those “make it or break it” moments. For the past three months, Ab has been indulging my kink (as everyone knows, I am the one who brought up chastity) and now he is quietly confessing to me a fantasy of his: spanking. How long has he had this in his mind? I have no idea. At least since September when I swatted him with the spatula. Maybe longer. When we have a chance to talk about it, you can be sure that will be one of my questions.

So, now that he has revealed this to me, I figure it is time for me to pony up and indulge his kink. Thus, I have spent some time today looking at various spanking websites—and there are plenty! From what I can gather, spanking is a very specific fetish for some people. They want to be spanked but that is the extent of their pain play. No nipple clamps, no thrashing on the upper back—butt only or maybe butt and thighs. That’s it. It seems that, given the limited information that I have at this moment, Ab would fall into this category. It also seems that while there are plenty of “equal opportunity” spanking couples, there are many where there is an exclusive spanker and spankee, which, right now is what I am thinking will happen in the Devoted Lover household but who knows? Keep an open mind is my motto.

A prototype batten

Since I am not ready to start spending a whole lot of money on spanking gear (and besides, I think the spanking is going to start pronto, before I have time for UPS to arrive) I decided to do an inventory of found items in the house. We have: a variety of wooden spoons, stirrers, and mixers; the aforementioned spatula, which is metal; a rice paddle, which I understand can be quite stinging; assorted belts; a yardstick; a metal ruler; and a wooden hairbrush. That should be enough to get us through a session or two, I thought. Then, I was standing in the bedroom and my eyes drifted down to the pile of toys in the bag next to the bed. I saw the item pictured above which I believe would be called a “batten.” Ab made it for me/us right after the spatula session in September.

Sometimes I can be so clueless.

As always, tips, tricks, and techniques on spanking are welcome in the comments.