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Quotes from Ab: XIII November 7, 2010

Posted by Dev in Musings, Quotes from Ab.
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“Can you please hold the keys?”

Ab hates having clunky, heavy things in his pocket so when we go out together to do errands or whatever, he always asks me to carry the car keys in my purse. Yesterday when we were out to lunch with our daughter was no exception. He hopped out of the car and handed over the keys. As I took them I gave him a sweet smile. “Of course dear,” I said. “I am happy to be your keyholder.”

Our daughter, a movie fanatic, never misses a beat with a movie reference or quote. “Cue John Cusack and the boombox,” she said. “Say Anything.”

In Your Eyes by Peter Gabriel,” I replied. “But what does that have to with being a keyholder?”

“The scene at the beginning of the movie,” she replied. “At the party—Lloyd ends up being the keyholder with the bag of keys.”

I couldn’t find a screen cap from that scene, but here’s the famous boombox one. A bit of John Cusack trivia: he’s never had a naked chest scene. Ah, what a waste of manflesh.

Have a great Sunday, everyone. For those who must, I hope you remembered to change your clocks!
