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The Kinky Kings — Redux December 11, 2011

Posted by Dev in Musings.
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I posted this last year but I thought it was worth reprising. The Kings have made another appearance on our dining room table and they are still up to their bad boy ways. Makes me wonder what they were doing while they were in storage for the past 11 months. 😉


The Kinky Kings

a slightly risque photo essay by Dev

We haven’t done much in the way of Christmas decorating here in the Devoted Lover household–too busy testing Humblers and so on–but the three Kings have made an appearance on our dining room table.

We three Kings of Orient are
Bearing gifts we traverse afar
Field and fountain, moor and mountain
Following yonder star.

They looked so innocent while they were just walking along, but I could tell, the minute they stopped to take a break
they were eyeing each other…

The King in green, who turned out to be Melchior, had a particularly devilish gleam in his eye. The minute my back was turned, he made a beeline for the black bearded one. “Got a kiss for daddy?” he purred.

The little guy was shocked–SHOCKED!–at what his two compatriots were up to and discreetly turned away. But when he heard robes rustling and positions shifting, curiosity got the better of him.

His eyes widened like saucers. “What are you…what are you…?” he stammered, hardly believing what he saw.

The black-bearded King pulled himself off the green guy’s cock for a second, and glared at the little guy. “Take a picture, it’ll last longer,” he snapped. “Melchior and I aren’t putting on a show for you. Either join in the fun or go sit under that burning bush over there.”

“Yeah,” said Melchior. “Two kings are good, but three are better.”

The little guy didn’t need to be asked twice.

And thus the Kinky Kings were born…

Socks and Anal Hooks October 30, 2011

Posted by Dev in Musings.
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I love shopping online. In fact, some days I wonder if I am becoming agoraphobic since I avoid going in stores. I rationalize this to myself because I am busy but I wonder if something else is going on?  To be honest, I was never much of a shopper but now I find I don’t enjoy it at all. If I can buy something online, great. If not, I can do without.

Of course, I can buy just about anything my heart desires online! LOL.

This weekend represents a more-or-less normal online shopping weekend for the Devoted Lover household, ranging from the very sexy (an anal hook) to the completely banal (socks).

The anal hook first because I suspect that is what most readers are interested in. I read on jnuts blog about his wish for an anal hook and he had a link to one at Extreme Restraints. Ab and I enjoy ass play and this one caught my fancy. Saturday night, a few drinks, a little bit of “Why not?” and the credit card came out. Of course on Sunday morning I was kicking myself because I found the same damn thing on Amazon for less, plus no shipping! I could’ve saved $22 and gotten points on my credit card. Oh well, live and learn.

Sunday night and things are much more mundane at the DL household. Now I get to order socks! Actually, there is a brand of socks that Ab and I both like and he found a link (buy 3, get one 1 pair free!) so it seemed like a good deal. I hope I don’t wake up tomorrow and find the same stupid socks on Amazon. LOL.

When the anal hook arrives, I’ll post a review. I suspect most readers don’t give a shit about the socks so I won’t bother with them.

More later….

California Dreamin’ April 8, 2011

Posted by Dev in Musings.
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What do you get when you mix two chaste men, two keyholders, a mini-Cooper convertible, and California sun? A whole lot of fun.

As I mentioned in my previous post, on Sunday Ab and I met up with likes2blocked and his wife, keyhldr (hereinafter referred to as L and K). Any anxiety I had been feeling dissipated and flew out the window within minutes of their arrival. As K said to me, “It’s good to finally see you in person,” as opposed to meet, because in truth, we had met months ago. This was just the final step of bringing our physical bodies into the same room. Still, I suppose there could have been some awkwardness. What if K wore some revolting perfume? (She didn’t.) Or L didn’t like my haircut? (If that was the case, he didn’t say anything.) But none of that happened. We connected like old friends, getting together for 36 whirlwind hours together.

So, what did we do? Well, we talked a lot, shared a couple of meals, drank like fish, got kinky together, and on Monday, had a day trip to Point Reyes National Seashore, where we oohed and aahed over the amazing scenery and lighthouse, took pictures, and were blown away by the sight of four whales. The weather was spectacular and driving on twisty-turny Route 1 with the top down on the car was a blast. It reminded me that spring will come to Maine (someday) and I will get to drive in my own convertible. And while Maine does have some off-the-charts scenery and lighthouses, we don’t have any roads like the California version of Route 1 (our Route 1 is pretty boring, in contrast). The drive was definitely a peak experience.

As were the back-to-back dime-worthy orgasmic experiences for me. 🙂 . And the chance to do some serious locked man teasing (and that wasn’t just Ab). Like I said, we had a whole lot of fun.

We never did get to the vibrator store but as L said, when you own a Hitachi do you really need anything else? Good point.

Being with L and K reminded me of being with some of my old nudist friends. If you’ve seen someone naked, can there really be any inhibitions in the conversation? I don’t think so. This was similar. I’ve been writing about my sex life in this blog for the past eight months and the man who shares that sex life was right next to me. I knew that L was wearing a Mature Metal Jailbird on his cock and his wife had the key hidden away somewhere. Were there any barriers between us? Of course not.

Don’t get me wrong. We didn’t talk only about sex. In fact, we talked about just about everything under the sun—and then some. But it was fun to have the opportunity to talk about chastity and kinkiness and fetishes and anything else that popped into our heads. I have mused in this blog about how great I think chastity is and how I wish I could talk about it with others but unfortunately, a couple’s sex life is usually not a topic for polite conversation. Well, now I was with friends where it was completely on the table and up for discussion. In that regard, it was a very liberating experience.

That point has been driven home even more in the days since. While I have been blabbing about the absolutely wonderful time I had, I always have to stop short. “How did you meet this couple?” is a common question. “Through the sex blog I write,” is not the appropriate answer, even if it is correct! “What sort of things do you have in common?” Uh, K and I keep our husbands locked up and neither of them has had an orgasm for at least a month? LOL.

Speaking of, Ab didn’t have a San Francisco orgasm, as I thought he might. The opportunity never really presented itself and he didn’t seem to care. His last one was back on March 4th (I am sure he doesn’t know the date but I do). As for the next one? ::shrug:: We’ll know when the time is right.

* * * * *

Sightseeing wrap-up: Ab saw more stuff than me but I did have a few free minutes for fun. I got to ride on the historic streetcars several times, which was a treat. We saw the Castro Theater (from the outside) and the location of Harvey Milk’s camera shop (now a HRC office and shop). We went to the streetcar museum and did some shopping in the Port of San Francisco building. Ab visited Golden Gate Park and Chinatown. We drove over the Golden Gate Bridge and coming back into the city on Monday, we drove down Lombard Street. We ate lots of seafood, both cooked and raw. While the hole-in-the-wall sushi place we discovered on Thursday night was very good (and cheap), I think the fresh oysters in Inverness were the best thing I put in my mouth for the entire trip—well, of food, that is. 😉

All in all, a great trip. Now I need to start looking forward to the next one…

San Francisco and New Adventures April 3, 2011

Posted by Dev in Musings.
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A very quick update: Ab and I are in San Francisco. We arrived on Thursday and had time for fun together on Thursday evening and Friday through lunch, then I began my work gig. The work was fun and very successful but it was, face it, work, which kept my mind occupied. Ab did do some sightseeing on his own and we had a nice group dinner (work related) last night which was very pleasant.

I finished my contractual obligations about one hour ago and we are here waiting the arrival of two online chastity friends. So, yeah, it’s a little nerve wracking, but in a good way. These are folks I connected with very early on in writing the blog and we’ve been corresponding ever since, plus chatting on the phone. So I feel like we know each other even though we haven’t met in person.

If they were local I might not be quite as nervous but they are traveling from a distance to meet us and visit. It makes me feel–well, special is a good way to put it. At the same time, I hope I live up to expectations! Crazy, wild kinky Dev who in person might just turn out to be a nice, pleasant woman of a certain age, with her equally nice, greying husband (greying hair, that is, not personality).

Aw, why I am worried? I’m sure we’ll have fun. And I am sure that going to the vibrator store and museum will be a definite ice breaker. 😉

Okay, gotta run. More later, my friends!

And Now Back to Our Regularly Scheduled Chastity Blogging March 25, 2011

Posted by Dev in Musings.
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“What happened to Dev?” you might be asking. “She didn’t post for a week!”

Actually, it was ten days. Believe me, I thought about the blog every day, but life—in particular work—had other plans for me.

I am facilitating a big project for a professional organization. It’s a lot of fun but also a lot of work and over the past two weeks it has taken an incredible amount of time (think—every day, evenings, weekends). The good news is that I have managed to stay on track so I am keeping my stress levels under control. The even better news is that the project requires a trip to San Francisco; I’ll be leaving in six days. The best news of all is that Ab is coming with me so we’ll have a mini-vacation. Warm weather, eating out, hotel sex—what more could anyone ask for? Well, Ab might ask for an orgasm or two. We’ll see if that’s in the cards for him. I haven’t made up my mind. 😉

My lack of posting hasn’t meant a lack of chastity, however. Ab’s still a locked boi. Nickels and pennies have been going into the orgasm glass on a regular basis. For Ab, there was a quarter and a franc way back at the beginning of the month but nothing lately. He did take a one-day vacation from his device last Sunday, but not a vacation from being chaste. It was interesting—I saw his Watchful Mistress on the bedside table and I just shrugged. No big deal. A few months ago, I would’ve gotten anxious. It think it’s telling that we’ve gotten to the point where I know and trust that Ab won’t have an orgasm without may say-so and active involvement. I asked him the other day, “Do you miss masturbating?”

“Of course I do,” he replied. “Who wouldn’t?” But missing it doesn’t translate into trying to do something about it behind my back.

I’ve been pondering activities for while we are in SF. I am sure they have much more entertaining toy stores than we have here in Maine. Shopping might be fun—if anyone has any recommendations, please post here. I’ve also thought about a touch of adult entertainment. A million years ago, in Quebec City, we went to a club with “go-go boys” (nude dancing). It was hot and fun and the place was great—a big crowd of men and women, everyone enjoying themselves. I wonder if there is some place like that?

In a different vein, I’ve always wanted to go to the Castro Theater. The day we arrive, Thursday, they will be having a Wizard of Oz singalong at 7 pm! The other option would be to see The African Queen on Sunday afternoon. I really would’ve liked seeing Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure on Friday night but alas, I’ll be working.

I realize I owe my devoted readers some updates—the Fuckzall, Sexy Period panties, and our soon-to-join us new dog. I’ll get to those in the next few days. Right now I need to go to…WORK!

Hugs to all,


As Predicted… February 28, 2011

Posted by Dev in Musings.
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No more snow!

or perhaps as hoped for, another nickel went into the orgasm glass this morning, making the total for the month 57 cents. And it’s snowing again!

* * * * *


Congratulations to Colin Firth for a well-deserved Oscar for Best Actor, playing King George VI in The King’s Speech. I thought he should have won last year for his role in A Single Man (also playing a character named George!) but this is typical for the Academy–always a year late and a statuette short. (Don’t get me started on Heath Ledger!) My best to Mr. Firth for an honor rightfully earned.

Snow Day! January 12, 2011

Posted by Dev in Musings.
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The forecast calls for at least two feet of snow!

We’re having a snowstorm here in Devoted Lover land. They are not really predicting two feet—more like twelve inches—but it’s enough to keep me home. Ab too.

For those of us who grew up in climates where we had snow days, remember the excitement? An unexpected day off from school was clearly a gift from the gods and Mother Nature. We never knew in advance—it was always a last minute decision. We’d wake up at the crack of dawn, look out the window and wonder, “Is it enough?” Then we’d turn the radio on, twirl the dial and try to find the school closing announcements which were broadcast on an obscure AM station that we didn’t listen to. Finally, we’d hear the DJ droning through a list of schools. I lived in town that started with ‘B’ and if we tuned in during the ‘D’ schools, we knew we were in for a long haul of boring listening. Then—at last—yes! Day off!

It’s different now. Text messages beep at 4:30 am with the news that schools, the mall, and the city have closed. I look at the screen through bleary eyes then turn over and go back to sleep. With a computer and an Internet connection I can work virtually anywhere, including home, so in that sense, it’s not really a day off. I’ve saved myself some white-knuckle driving on miserable roads but I don’t have the luxury of kicking back and spending the day reading a trashy novel.

Well, maybe I do. Ab is home. 🙂

Ab believes in the motto, “Neither snow nor sleet…” No matter what is coming out of the sky, he heads off to work—usually. Last night, though, he told me he had brought some paperwork home and planned to stay put for this storm. He has meals planned (he has already cooked me a nice breakfast) and has informed me that the afternoon will be devoted to kinky fun. Whoo-boy! This is better than making snow angels!

More later, my friends. Enjoy the day and if you are somewhere stormy, stay safe!


Little Ab Speaks January 2, 2011

Posted by Dev in Musings.
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Bang! BANG!

“Damn!” said Little Ab. “I’m still in this fucking jail cell.”

He moved around slightly, trying to expand. How had he gotten into this predicament, anyway? Sighing, he readied himself for another thrust at the end, knowing in advance the feeling of frustration he’d experience. It had become all too common.


“C’mon big guy, wake up. It’s four thirty in the morning and I know that horny bitch next to you will be ready for some action. Maybe for once it will be my turn.”


“Mmmphf,” said Ab, shifting his position, first to his side, then back. “Guh.”

“Good, now we’re getting somewhere.” Little Ab wiggled, and Ab’s hips shifted in response. “Good, good…” He felt the sheets move and hoped that was the sign that a hand would soon be holding him, caressing him. Even in his metal prison, the soft touches felt good.

Another mumble from Ab, another shift of the sheets, Little Ab held his head in anticipation… “Move your hips up, buddy,” he said. “C’mon, she can’t reach me when you are this low.”

But then, inexplicably, Ab reached over with his hand, leaving Little Ab bereft for the moment. “What’s going on?” he screamed.

“Hush,” said Ab, finally acknowledging his throbbing cock. “I promised to give her pussy some attention.”

“Give her pussy some attention? Her pussy gets attention all the freaking time! What about ME?”

“I’m sure she’ll give you a little massage before we’re done. She’s pretty consistent about that.”

“A little massage,” Little Ab mimicked, his voice scornful. “I don’t want a little massage. I want the real thing.”

“Just be patient. You’ll get it when the time is right.”

“And when’s that? Today?”

“Can’t say, buddy. Shhh…”

The sheets rustled and Little Ab could feel the mattress shifting as Dev responded to Ab’s touch. A low moan filled the air. “That damn woman is as horny as a cat in heat,” he said, “and she never gives me the fucking time of day.”

“That’s not true. You get a massage at least every day…and sometimes more.”

“More? You call a tongue lapping my head through the bars of this prison cell more? I call it torture.”

“You seem to like it when it happens. Stop talking so much. I need to concentrate.”

“Concentrate on what?”

“Her pussy. Her clit. She’s getting aroused.”

“She’d get aroused faster if you let me in on the action. I’m the professional. I know what I’m doing. That fucking finger is just an amateur.”

“The fucking finger seems to be doing okay. Stop complaining.”

Another moan filled the air and the bed shifted again and Ab turned on his side, moving slightly and taking Dev’s breast into his mouth. “Okay,” thought Little Ab, “I like this. This is…relaxing.”

They settled in and enjoyed that for a few minutes, the suckling sending sweet impulses to Little Ab’s head. Then, the bed shifted again and he realized…finally, finally! Dev’s hand was enveloping his cage. “At last!” he groaned. “She remembered I am here!” He basked in the massage, then nudged Ab’s brain.

“C’mon, c’mon, let me out. I really want to be inside her pussy. I’m forgetting what it looks like.”

“How can you forget what it looks like? You’ve been in there hundreds of times.”

“Yeah, but not recently.”

“I seem to remember we had a little fun on Christmas morning. That was just a week ago.”

“Just a week ago? It seems like a year. My memory is going as I get older. I need regular pussy visits to keep me young.”

“You are a persistent little cock, aren’t you? I’m not sure a pussy visit is on the agenda today.” Ab shifted his position again. Little Ab felt a jolt of erotic pleasure as Ab began to lap Dev’s abdomen with his tongue.

“Why isn’t it on the agenda?” he pleaded. “You can take this cage off. You just need to undo the screw.”

“No, sorry, I can’t.”

“Why not? You do it every day in the shower. You know where the screwdriver is—right over there in the little cup. Just pick it up and go twist, twist…easy peasy and I’ll be free!”

“That’s not the way we’re playing this game. Dev’s in charge and she decides when you get to be free and when I get to orgasm…and something tells me it is not today.”

“Hmphf.” Little Ab sulked. “Where the hell was I when all these rules were being made, anyway? How come I didn’t have any say in the matter?”

“You did. As I recall, you thought it was incredibly hot. In fact, you still do.”

“I do, except at 4:30 am when I know my rightful place is inside her cunt…”

“Shhh, don’t use language like that. You know Dev doesn’t approve.”

More shifting, more moaning, more movement of the sheets. “What’s happening now? Tell me, tell me!”

“The vibrator, please, the vibrator…” Dev’s voice was low and husky, muffled. Little Ab knew she was about to come. Her whole body was thrumming, he could feel it even in his metal cage.

Ab shifted again, reaching to the side of the bed. “What are you doing, big guy?”  he pleaded.

“You heard her. She wants the vibrator.” Suddenly, a sharp BZZZZZZ! BZZZZZZ! filled the air.

“No, no, no,” Little Ab moaned, close to tears. “Not the fake thing! Not the fake thing! I’m the real thing, let me do my job!”

“Sorry bud…”

Dev’s hips bucked and rolled. “Gah! Gah!” she moaned, her voice rising. Little Ab cried in response. “The fake thing! The fake thing!”

Suddenly it was over. Little Ab felt Dev’s hand caressing him again. Small solace but better than nothing. He sighed.

“You know,” said Ab, “Little Ab was pretty unhappy this morning. He really wanted out.”

Dev laughed. “What he wants is really no concern of mine. I’m in charge, after all.”

“He said he was forgetting what your cu—er pussy looked like. His memory is going.”

“Oh he’s a little con artist, isn’t he? Tell him maybe a few weeks. You do have a birthday coming up this month.” Dev laughed.

“Hear that buddy? You might be lucky on January seventeenth.”

Little Ab sighed, Dev’s laugh ringing in his ears. How many days ’til January seventeeth he wondered…

Happy New Year! January 1, 2011

Posted by Dev in Musings.
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Happy New Year to our friends and readers!

Thank you for your interest in our adventures
and explorations with a chaste life.

In 2011, look forward to more musings, quotes from Ab, fun posts, fiction, polls, contests, photo essays and who knows what else.

I go where my imagination takes me. I enjoy writing this blog and appreciate the support that is offered through your comments and views.

As the new year begins, have a safe and peaceful day, with our very best wishes for more of the same for the entire year.

Hugs to all,


Dinner For One December 31, 2010

Posted by Dev in Musings.
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Although Wikipedia claims that Dinner for One is “virtually unknown in English speaking countries,” it became a New Year’s Eve tradition in the Devoted Lover household after I read this article in Slate. This is the type of ridiculous skit that tickles my funny bone and back in 2005 on December 31st back I watched it, oh, maybe eight dozen times. (Yes, I can be a little obsessive. 😉 ). In subsequent years, I’ve pared down my viewing to maybe three or four times throughout the day. There are at least two different versions floating around–the 11 minute one that the Slate article links to and an 18 minute version. (There is also a Lego version which can be seen here.) While it might seem that the 18 minute version is longer because of the introduction in German, look carefully and you’ll see that they are not the same. In the shorter one, there is no tablecloth on the table, the chairs are different, and some of the portraits on the wall are missing. There are picture frames but nothing in them. The rugs on the floor are different, two, but of course, the tiger skin rug is prominent in both!

I have friends in Germany but, having never been there on New Year’s Eve, I never knew to ask them about this peculiar tradition. But once I learned of its popularity, I did ask and they assured me that it is just as Slate reported: shown on TV on New Year’s Eve with lots of drinking and lots of silly fun. Now we email during the day while I make my own tradition–a viewing by one, as it were–here in our little corner of the US.

So, I invite you to join us. Pull up a chair, get comfy, and get to know Miss Sophie and James. While he may be chaste for most of the year, he definitely gets to come on Miss Sophie’s birthday. 😉

For those who share my obsessive tendencies, here are a few more links:

Enjoy, with our very best wishes for a Happy New Year from

Dev and Ab