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Update and Sad News January 23, 2011

Posted by Dev in Musings.
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After a little bit of a hiatus, Shane67 is back. He has renamed his blog. It was formerly known as Slouching Towards Chastity and is now A Thousand Kisses Deep. The new name, as he says, gives him the opportunity to “flail at a wider range of topics.” I have updated my blogroll to reflect the change. I have a soft spot in my heart for Shane ever since he dubbed me “a prolific sex blogger.” LOL. His absence has reminded me of the movie Shane and Joey at the end, “Shane! Come back!” Well, our Shane did (the movie Shane didn’t). Glad to have you back in the saddle, cowboy.

* * * * *

We’re in a little bit of shock here in the Devoted Lover household. A member of my extended family—my sister’s father-in-law, to be exact—died very unexpectedly and suddenly on Friday. He had gone into a convenience store to buy a bottle of wine to have with dinner and had a stroke in the shop—while his wife was sitting in the car outside waiting for him. I can’t imagine what she thought—waiting patiently and all of a sudden there are police cars and an ambulance pulling into the parking lot. This would be my worst nightmare.

Although I do tell Ab everyday that I love him, this is a dramatic reminder of why we need to hold those we love very close. We never know what life is going to throw our way and unfortunately, it’s not always good. So in between the kinky games and sexy fun, remember what life and marriage are all about: love. For those out there reading this, please take a minute to tell your wife/husband/lover/partner/children/parents/siblings/whomever how much you love them and why they are important in your life. And then do it the next day, and the next…

Hugs to all,


Sunday Morning Housekeeping November 28, 2010

Posted by Dev in Musings.
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In honor of my 100th post and three month anniversary, I’ve done a little housekeeping and tidying up to the blog. I’ve added some widgets to the sidebar, including a link to Keyheld: Chastity Resources for Lovers, a search box, and stats for the blog.

I’ve also added a link for a new gallery I started, featuring a good looking men engaged in a variety of activities. I’ve had pictures forever in my Photobucket, but that’s not really an album that anyone can browse, so I thought I’d make some of my favorites a little bit more accessible for  like-minded folks. I can also include racier pictures than Photobucket allows. I don’t think I’ll go all the way to X-rated but this is definitely R or NC-17. Feel free to drop in and enjoy. I haven’t figured out a way for people to leave comments, but you can always send me an email letting me know what you appreciate and what you want to see more of.

As I move into the next phase of this blog and chastity, I am reaching out to you to ask what you like, don’t like, want more of and so on. Glancing over the past few months, I’ve noticed:

  • I tend to write lengthy blog posts, averaging in the neighborhood of 1000 words each. Is this too long? Should I break things up into shorter, easier-to-digest bites? Or do you like my long discourses on this, that and the other thing?
  • Types of posts tend to be my musings but I have included a few book reviews, reviews of other things (devices, underwear), one poll, and a few fun posts (greeting cards, pictures). Is there anything in particular that you like that you would like to see more of? Anything that was a total flop?
  • Overall layout: I am quite fond of the design I selected and would rather not change it but I know that for some people, the grey font on black background can be hard to read. Yay/nay on the layout and design? Any links you’d like on the sidebar?

I don’t have an exact metric for successful, but overall I believe this blog is a success. Quantitative measures include:

  • 105 posts
  • 13 subscribers
  • ~600 to 800 views/day

Qualitative feedback, usually via email, is all positive. I really appreciate comments and emails—it helps me to know the hard work is worth it.

Thanks everyone for your support. Please let me know what else I can do or what you would like to see. My goal is to make this a very useful resource for folks looking for information on chastity and living a chaste life, from a real-world couple perspective.


Quotes from Ab: XI September 30, 2010

Posted by Dev in Musings, Quotes from Ab.
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“You can trust me.”

We’re trying something a little different today. In anticipation of the Jailbird’s arrival, Ab is on the honor system and not wearing his CB-6000s. I hope the Jailbird will arrive today and the CB will become a thing of the past. Even if the JB doesn’t arrive until tomorrow, I’m not sure he’s going back into the CB. I was just looking at it and it’s sort of grody. I really don’t like plastic.

I’m the keyholder so it was my decision to take it off. Why? A couple of reasons. One, there’s a thread over at Chastity Forums about the honor system. Many men say they use the honor system and it works—although at times it may require a bit more mental energy than just being locked up. I figure that Ab has 6+ weeks of being locked. He can be on the honor system for a day or two. I want to see how that works.

But second, and more importantly, I want to see if he’s gotten to a place of preferring to be locked. Last night we were talking about my fantasy of having him thank me for being locked. He said he wasn’t sure if that would happen—yet—but he does like wearing his CB and it feels comfortable and natural. Is it so comfortable and natural that that’s the way he wants to be? Dressed for dinner as it were? We’ll see.

Last, the Jailbird is special—a step up, beautiful steel, custom made. Sized just for Ab. I figure that putting something like that on requires a bit of a ceremony. It’s not just a matter of taking off device A and putting on device B. It needs a moment. So I am giving my cock a little vacation until its new outfit arrives.

Of course, even though the lock is off, Ab understands: no orgasms, no touching, no self-stimulation, no masturbation. Hence, “You can trust me.” I know he’ll be reading this so darling, I do trust you. Don’t let me down.

* * * * *

Another comment from Ab was that he really likes the blog and has become a very regular reader, even though the doesn’t comment publicly (he comments to me in private). He says it adds an interesting dimension to our chastity game—he knows exactly what I am thinking and feeling, which gives him additional insight into his own feelings and thoughts.

Many newcomers to chastity do start blogs and this is probably part of the reason why. It’s a nice way to explore something that seems very different—on the surface, putting a lock on your man’s penis does seem a little strange—but as you get into it, you realize it’s not strange at all. Sharing that knowledge, though, seems to part of the process and blogging is the 21st century way to do so.

Thumper made a comment in his blog that most new chastity blogs last an average of 64 days. I’m 36 days in and to become an outlier of his mean, I’d need to get beyond 128 days which would be sometime in mid-January (probably right around Ab’s birthday). Since Ab has committed to the game until at least March, I am in good shape for achieving blogging longevity. 🙂

* * * * *

Update on ChastityForums.com: Since being launched on Saturday, Chastity Forums has had a very nice start and currently boasts 66 members. I volunteered to be a mod, telling Thumper that I thought he needed a woman to provide some balance to the men. He readily agreed. I am excited about this. To women who are reading here, please consider coming and joining us, and maybe even making a comment or two. We have a few other keyholders and they seem to be strong, assertive, confident, and most of all—fun. I know there are many reluctant or questioning women out there—the men who email me asking questions or wanting info for their wives confirm this. I keep suggesting that they have their wives read this blog and join the forum. Here’s another open invitation to jump into the game, get your questions answered, and maybe make a few new friends.

And oogle a few good looking guys, too. I’m in charge of the man-candy. :-). As they say, “Come on in, the water’s fine.”

Announcing ChastityForums.com September 26, 2010

Posted by Dev in Correspondence, Musings.
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Thumper has started a new forum, ChastityForums.com. Yet another chastity blog or forum to keep up with, you say? Here’s his rationale and it makes sense to me…

I have decided to start a new forum for male chastity enthusiasts. I did this because the one I had previously endorsed has decided to start running some skeezy ads. That decision made me realize that I really have no idea who’s forum that was. There was just this mysterious “Admin” guy who showed up irregularly and didn’t really participate. Who is this guy? Is he one of us? What are his intentions? No idea.

So anyway, I know a little something about forums. And I like forums. So, start one I did. I hope you’ll join me and help make it the best place on the web for male chastity enthusiasts to discuss their lives. I’d prefer if the French maid outfit/sissy clitty crowd remain over on Chastity Mansion because they seem very happy there and, really, why not just leave it that way? Chastity Forums is for the rest of us. You know who you are.

Like Thumper, I like forums, too. Blogs are great for sharing opinions and so on, but if you really want to chat with someone, I think it is easier to do in a forum environment. So, I am very glad he decided to take this on.

I am already registered, as Dev (big surprise!) and you’ll definitely recognize my avatar. Do drop in and say hello!