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Tenga Eggs October 21, 2010

Posted by Dev in Musings.
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The Tenga eggs arrived yesterday from Amazon. These look like they are going to be very cool to play with. Maybe now I will finally figure out how to really “do” tease and denial! I decided to post a few pictures in case other readers are as unfamiliar with these as I am.

They are packed in a little egg carton, looking very adorable:


There are six different eggs in the package: Wavy, Clicker, Spider, Twister, Stepper, and Silky. I haven’t opened them all yet so I have no idea what the differences are between them. Each egg is individually wrapped. This is the wrapped Spider, followed by the partially unwrapped Clicker.

Once unwrapped, there is a plastic egg inside, just like the kind that holds jelly beans at Easter. The difference this time is that there is a much more adult jelly product contained within! 😉

The little opening at the end contains a tube and a packet of lube, all in Japanese. Fortunately, the ingredients are listed on the box in English: water, glycerin, hydroxyethylcellulose, sodium polyacrylate, methylparaben. Ah, no CPS! Of course, I suppose we could just use that old standby, Astroglide.

This is the inside of the Clicker. It’s very soft and squishy and I just know I am going to have a lot of fun playing with this on my sweet husband’s cock.

The instructions say this is a one use per egg product, although I have seen comments that if you carefully wash them and put them away, you can manage to get six to ten uses before they must be discarded. I suppose the longevity of each egg depends on the vigorousness of the teasing that goes on.

I suspect Ab will be getting out of his Jailbird sooner, rather than later, for some high quality naked cock playtime. 🙂 I’ll keep you posted.