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Give Ab the PlAin Facts! January 28, 2011

Posted by Dev in Opinions.

Tallestrina's fairly recent PA

I have mentioned to Ab, off and on over the years, the idea of getting a PA (Prince Albert) piercing. At first his response was always, “No! NO! Absolutely not!” but in recent months he has moved more towards of look of anxiety with less vehement protestations. Last night I brought it up again (yes, I am persistent). He paused for a minute and then said, “Is that it, then? You never want me to have an erection again? You never want to have intercourse?” I was surprised at his mis-perception. “A PA doesn’t affect either of those things,” I replied. “In fact, I’ve heard that for a lot of women, it can improve intercourse. A new sensation…”

“And peeing?” he asked. “Doesn’t it affect that?”

“In what way?” I replied.

“I’d have to sit down, I’ve heard.”

“Well, aren’t you sitting down now?”

mikecb's PA -- slightly deeper than many

He still looked dubious so I suggested that I’d throw the question out here to my readers since all of my knowledge is second- and third hand. Pierced guys, what are your experiences, both pro and con? Would you do it again? If not, why not? If yes, why? If you are inclined to add your age and how long you’ve had your piercing, that would be helpful, too.

I should note that Ab hasn’t had entirely successful experiences with piercings. He got his left nipple pierced on my 50th birthday. Then he got a second piercing in that same nipple. The guy did it crooked and it never healed properly, so in between looking lousy and being painful, Ab took it out. Then he got his right nipple done—which also never healed properly. After a painful year, he took that one out, too. As he’s 2 for 3 in negative piercing experiences, I can understand why he might be a little gun shy on the idea of a PA.

My one concern is how it would fit with his Watchful Mistress. That’s already a snug fit so the idea of trying to fit one more thing in there—is that realistic? If folks recall, we don’t have the JailBird anymore which was 1/4″ longer.

So…have at it, guys. Ab reads the blog so I know he’ll be looking forward to your comments.

NB: I borrowed the pictures from Tallestrina’s blog, A Different Flavour and mikecb’s Chastity Journey. Thanks, guys, for these real-life illustrations!

The Key is Back on my Nipple Ring… September 26, 2010

Posted by Dev in Musings.
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where it belongs. It is on the left side which is the side Ab prefers as he likes to suckle on the right. Getting it back on the left side was a slightly weird experience, however.

As I mentioned, I took it off on Friday because my right breast was sore. I left on on the bedside table because I knew Ab would want the key for cleaning—he’s made it clear he wants to take the CB off on Tuesday and Friday when he showers. Several commenters said I should either put the key back on its ring or hide it. Leaving it out might send a message of disinterest to Ab. Taking this advice to heart, that’s what I did—I thought. Yesterday morning I very carefully clasped the chain and put the key away in the same hiding place with the spare, a hiding place that Ab has no knowledge of.

This morning, as I was getting dressed, I gave both breasts a good massage, tugged on the rings, and decided all the soreness was gone. Plus, I realized I missed having the key on my nipple ring and wanted it back in place. I can feel it when I am wearing it and that’s a nice reminder to me of the commitment Ab and I have—what we are working towards. I am sure he is consciously aware of the CB 90% of the time. I like having the same physical presence.

I went to the hiding place and surprise! No key. Huh? I searched all around. The spare was there but not my key on its chain.

I hunted around in different places. I looked in my jewelry box, a few other little boxes on my dresser….nothing. I looked in the old hiding place for the spare…not there either. I looked on the bedside table. I even looked in the bottle of Tylenol on the bedside table. No key!

I was seriously annoyed. I knew exactly where I had put the key away. I could picture myself doing it. Where had it gone?

I was also annoyed because this meant I had only one key for the lock. Is it better to have a spare? Should I rush off to the hardware store and buy a new lock with two keys? Also, the chain it is on (which is actually meant to be worn as a bracelet) was the perfect length and weight, plus being 14 karat gold, which matched my nipple rings.  I don’t have another one of those. Would I have to go to the jewelry store, too, and buy another bracelet?

I asked Ab. He denied all knowledge and told me he had no idea where my current hiding place is. I knew that was true but I still couldn’t figure out what was going on.

I kept checking back in the hiding place. Nothing.

Finally, at 3 pm, I decided it was Sunday afternoon naptime. I went into the bedroom, put my iPhone on the bedside table and there…was the key. On its chain. The chain was unclasped and spread out, just as I had left it on Friday morning. How weird was that?

I am of the belief that things go missing on purpose and when they go missing it is a sign for us to slow down and pay attention. I actually had a set of keys once that went missing in my office—they were gone for two weeks before they reappeared, sitting in the middle of the spare desk that was there (I was a single in a double). Today the key was gone for only a few hours, but I still got the message. Slow down and pay attention. I need to be mindful of that.

Meanwhile, my key is back on my nipple ring and it feels good. I realized I actually missed it. I like having it close to my breast and my heart. It also makes me curious—where do other keyholders keep their keys? Please share in the comments. I’d like to know.

Over at the new Chastity Forums, likes2blocked commented that my picture is quite distracting. 😉 Thanks, sweetie. That’s why I’ve posted it again. Just for you.

I Had To Chuckle September 17, 2010

Posted by Dev in Musings.
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Over at Thumper’s blog, Denying Thumper, he’s added a link to my blog. Thanks, Thumper…I appreciate the publicity. But I had to chuckle—when I mouse over the link it says, “Sounds uncomfortable, but whatevs…”

Sounds uncomfortable? This from the man who wears a Steelworxx device with a Prince Albert piercing to hold it all in place? Every time I even breathe the words Prince Albert to Ab, his face blanches.

Sounds uncomfortable? From the man who describes being handcuffed, collared, nipple-clamped, and flogged and all the while, loving every minute of it? (For the record, I think nipple clamps are way more painful than pierced nipples.)

A little key hanging off a little gold chain on a well-healed nipple ring sounds uncomfortable? Okay, Thumper. As you say, “Whatevs…” 😀 😀 😀

PS—photo credit to Thumper for the great picture up on the left. I think it’s…hot. Just really hot. If you want to see the full-size version, go here.

* * * * *

Ab is wearing the smallest ring and the smallest spacer on his CB today. His testicles starting popping out of the next size up. The left one came out during the day yesterday and he managed to fix that (without taking the CB off…remember, he doesn’t know where the key is anymore). The right one popped out overnight and he decided that he needed to move down a size on the ring. I just got an email and he said that it feels a little tighter but “not too bad.” We’ll see how it goes. Now, of course, I am wondering about the ring on the Jailbird that’s on order, but I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it.

Just to Recap September 11, 2010

Posted by Dev in Musings.
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Great discussion in the blog yesterday. Thanks to everyone for all their comments (and also for the emails I received that were discussing the issue). I appreciate all the feedback!

Based on all of this, I am going to be ordering Ab a Jailbird from Mature Metal. I’ve traded a couple of emails back and forth with Mr. MM and as many have mentioned, he seems very nice, very responsive, and eager to make his customers happy. This is the configuration I am going with:

Length: 2″ (which is 1/2″ shorter than the CB-6000s; Ab doesn’t fill that all the way up to the end and Mr. MM suggests that getting a shorter one would be a good idea).
Diameter: 1 1/4″ (which is 1/8″ narrower than the CB)
Ring: 1 3/4″ (same as the CB)
Gap: 1/4″ (the size of the small spacer on the CB. Ab has been switching back and forth between the smallest and the next smallest spacer, which Mr. MM tells me is 3/8″. Mr. MM also tells me that the changing from 1/4″ to 3/8″ [or vice versa] is an easy adjustment, if necessary)

Our progression has been that we started out way too big with the Birdcage (which, as I have noted, I think is really meant for play, not serious long-term wear). The CB-6000s is a closer fit but still a little big, so I am going with a slightly smaller, tighter Jailbird which I hope will be the perfect solution. As they say, third time is the charm! He’ll also be back in metal which I think will be a whole lot more satisfactory than the plastic. As for weight: he’ll be going from about 3 oz to 6 oz which is an increase. He complained about the weight of the Birdcage at the end but I think the problem was that it was so big and hanging down, it was more annoying than heavy (the cage on that is 5 inches! And now he’ll be wearing 2? BIG difference).

I am not going to fuss around with doing more measurements or letting him in on the decision this time. I am pulling this back into my hands a little bit and saying, “This is what you are wearing. No ifs, ands, or buts.” This is based on the assumption of good fit and comfort, of course, but I have taken those factors into consideration in terms of what I am ordering.

Mr. MM tells me that it takes two to three weeks to build a device so I now I need to sit back and be patient. Three weeks will bring us to the beginning of October. Maybe we’ll just plan on a fun-filled weekend and he gets his new device as a present at the end. I sort of like that idea.

The other thing that came up in the comments was the idea of  a Prince Albert piercing, which many men have and use to secure their devices. I’ve been after him about a PA for years—I’ve always thought they are hot. I brought it up again last night and got the same horrified look that I always get. LOL. I am probably not going to be able to sway him on this one but I’ll keep talking about it. Actually, talking about piercings has been a fantasy for us so we’ll keep up with that.

As an aside, if anyone would like to read a story where the guy has a couple of piercings and they play a role in the narrative, let me recommend Bad Case of Loving You by Laney Cairo.  It’s a fun story with a nice happy ending.

I was supposed to have a facial this morning but the esthetician just called—she has a bad cold and doesn’t want to breathe in my face. Thank you for that consideration! So, I suddenly have a little bit of free time that I didn’t expect. That’s a nice treat…I think I’ll start filling it up with another cup of coffee and some leisure reading. Oh, and ordering up Ab’s new Jailbird. 😉

Suckling: It’s Not Just for Babies September 4, 2010

Posted by Dev in Musings.
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Out there in the world, there are “tit men” and “ass men.” Given the title of this blog and the picture on the right hand side, it’s probably not too hard to figure out which camp my husband belongs to.

Back when I was young—and thin—I had perky tits. Now, many years, two children, and forty pounds later, they have matured into lovely, elegant, womanly breasts. Like any of us who have made it successfully to this stage of life, they have a few scars from various biopsies and other mishaps. They have a beautiful heft and weight and I love playing with them. I don’t confine them in a bra because living, organic objects should not be held hostage in wire and polyester.*

A few years ago, Ab started suckling—nursing—at my breast. Being a tit guy, I knew he liked licking and playing with my nipples; I thought if I taught him how to suckle, like a baby does, it might be an added dimension of fun for him. And boy, was I right!

Just to be clear: we are not in an adult nursing relationship (which involves actual breastfeeding, 20 minutes on each side, multiple times a day) nor am I lactating. (We just sent our youngest off to her freshman year in college, so my breastfeeding days are long over!) What he does do is nurse at my breast—usually the right side, because he sleeps on my right—at night, for about 20 minutes or so. He snuggles up close; I put my arm around his head and shoulders and pull him in closer and offer my breast. He pulls it deep into his mouth (not just the nipple—suckling includes the nipple, areola, and however much more of the breast he can fit in his mouth), and begins sucking. His tongue compresses my breast against the roof of his mouth. No teeth are involved.

Done right, it doesn’t hurt and can go on for ages. For us, 20, maybe 30 minutes is about the max before we both are asleep.

Ab finds it incredibly relaxing. For me, all the good memories of breastfeeding my children flow back and thus, it puts me in a totally centered and peaceful place. It is one of the most intimate and loving things we do.

I bring this up because I’ve noticed that over the past few weeks, Ab has been suckling more often. I wonder if it related to those 3 am erections that he is not having? I’ll notice that he is restless next to me (ever since we’ve had children, I’ve been a very light sleeper) so I’ll just turn on my side, pull him close to me, offer my breast, and get him to latch on. I can physically feel his restlessness subside, his breathing slows, and within a very little while, he goes back to a deep sleep. And me? I usually go to sleep too, but not before he does.

Chaste men who are reading this: if you are looking for a way to add an additional loving dimension to your life with your wife/gf, you might want to try this. In particular, if she breastfed your/her children and enjoyed it, she may very well enjoy the sensual feel of adult suckling. Women who hated breastfeeding might not feel the same way.

I never let Ab near my breasts when I was nursing our children, and I kick myself now about that. I really wonder what it would have felt like when there was actual milk in there. Oh well, nothing I can do at this stage. Maybe I wasn’t as kinky then as I am now. 🙂 Ab, too, has told me that the idea never entered his head. “Your breasts were for the babies,” he said to me recently. “Just watching them feed was enough excitement for me.”

* * * * *

*Just a little comment: I mentioned that I don’t wear a bra. In fact, I have been totally bra-free for 13 years and off and on for most of my life before that. I mention this because it seems to be a concern among men wearing chastity devices that someone will see and wonder what that bulge is in their pants (at least until they get to the “I don’t give a shit and it’s nobody’s business anyway” stage). As a bra-free woman, no one has ever mentioned this to me, and I know it’s apparent, especially in the summer when I’m not all bundled up in sweaters and turtlenecks. I know there are times when people can see my nipple rings through my tee-shirt, and no one has ever mentioned that, either. My point is, that even if someone notices your chastity device (doubtful), and even if that person had a inking of what they were looking at (even more doubtful), I think the possibility of someone saying something is about 1 in 99 million—in other words, it ain’t gonna happen. Based on my anecdotal experience of being a bra-free woman, I really think men in chastity can stop worrying about random, rude strangers, friends, family, or loved ones saying, “Hey, Joe, you look like you’ve got a bunch of plastic in your pants. What’s up with that?”


**Regarding the image: as far as I can tell, there really isn’t such as thing as “National Bra-Free Week.” Oh well. It wold be fun, wouldn’t it?

The Key is on my Nipple Ring August 29, 2010

Posted by Dev in Musings.
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So I have added a picture to the sidebar of my key on its chain on my nipple ring. Pretty, isn’t it? I think so.

Lots of women write that they wear the key to their husband’s/partner’s lock on a chain around their neck. Practical, yes, but I have an extra bit of sexy jewelry, so why not take advantage of it? I was rummaging around in my jewelry box and found the little gold chain that I am using—it is a bracelet that was given to me years ago by a friend, but I never wore it much because it seemed so thin and delicate. Now I have found the perfect use. 🙂

I wanted to get my nipples pierced for ages but kept waffling (okay, chickening out). Finally, one day in 2006, I screwed up my courage. There is a piercing and tattoo studio that I drive by everyday on my way to and from work. On this particular day (August 16th, which happened to be the 29th anniversary of Elvis Presley’s death), I stopped on the way home from work, marched in and said, “I want to get my nipples pierced.”

The guy at the cash register gave me a ho-hum look, took my $35 and pointed to the waiting area.

Lots of folks wax rhapsodically about their piercers; that wasn’t my experience. The fellow took me into the room, told me to pull up my shirt and then, measure-measure-pierce-pierce, insert jewelry. Not so exciting. I had a 14 g captive bead steel ring in each nipple. Ordinary, but functional.

Healing was a breeze. Anyone thinking about piercing their nipples remember that sea salt salt water soaks are your friend. Two to three times a day for two to three weeks and you should be all set.

One year later, I ordered up some lovely gold segment rings from Tribalectic—nice folks there, although it looks like they might not sell the gold rings anymore, which is a shame. I went back to the piercing shop to have them insert the jewelry because, yeah, I’m a wimp. I’ve been wearing them now for three years without any problems and I think they look just lovely.

To any ladies who might be reading this: if you are wondering about nipple rings and mammograms, be assured that you do not need to take them out for a mammogram film. The first time I went after having them pierced, the technician asked if I could remove them. I simply said, “I prefer not to,” and that was the end of the discussion. Since then I’ve had five or six mammos and it has never come up again. So please, don’t let a desire for pierced nipples stand in the way of good breast health. Mammograms do save lives!